

Editor and lyricist for iwakura productions
(Fate/Extra CCC, Golden Reverie, Sakura Wars 1, Growlanser).
Friends don't let friends play Idea Factory RPGs.

フォロー数:226 フォロワー数:6892
# fe

[Okada] Oh and in the sequel let's have him be a serial killer and wear a paper bag
[Tadashi] what the hell is wrong with you people I just want to date Tadaki dammit

0 28

[Kaneko] "also let's have one of them actually be the villain and gay"
[T] "w h a t*

0 19

Direct in a nutshell.
Suda fans:
SMT fans:

4 70

My first impression of is not a glowing one
It's... neither SMT nor FE but wants to use random elements of both, but the game is more like Cold Steel if it were an idol game. That said...

1 32

and could use your(yes YOUR) feedback. Do you care about the name of the city in Devil Summoner? Would you be fine with it being the default canon(Hirasaki) instead of customizable?

9 48

So hey, I'm an idiot and didn't realize you did Victor's amazing voice in Soul Hackers. Would you ever be interested in his Raidou incarnation if the game ever got dubbed?

0 1