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Massively tmi, but I don’t usually have periods because of my implant. This week seems to be an exception to that. Sat at my desk trying not to cry over stupid things while wanting a hot water bottle.

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Post 4 fictional characters you relate to and let people assume something about you...

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Fashion illustration again today (what a surprise 😁) I remember the detailing on her dress taking ages for this illustration.

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Fashion illustration again today (what a surprise 😁) I remember the detailing on her dress taking ages for this illustration.

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I love wedding dresses. I was freaking my now husband out with my love of wedding dresses before we got engaged. I think he thought it was a hint but really it was just me appreciating the beauty and elegance of them.

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Another example of detailing today, this time from a skirt. I love stitching, I know people quite often won't see it but it's there in most of my fashion illustrations.

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I've been really bad over the past few years with not finishing images I start, I just find myself too tired and too busy because of working full time. Here's an image of Cara Delevigne that met with such a fate.

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I'm a real sucker for detailing my work. Sometimes it's probably TOO much detail to be honest, but how could I not draw all these flowers?

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I tend to be quite a flat colour illustrator but thought I'd try my hand at some more nuanced shading wuth this succulent illustration.

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