

they/them | clown prince of rhythm | 30
// VN editor, freelance writer
// currently: #KeyframesVN

フォロー数:168 フォロワー数:132

matt mercer knows the 7 words that will destroy my art block so here's a warm up artagan that turned into a full day artagan

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he leaves a hole but there's just?? his hair??? but it glows?? is it an eye? what is it?? TODOROKI???

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(wip) chuggin away, blocking out shadows tonight

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what's up i like class swaps & i like percy filling the gaps in his soul w/a totem spirit who actually loves and supports him

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"thAT BI---!!!"
finished just in time! the cliff dive was Memorable but so was keyleth's brief spout of barbarian rage >)

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thanks nintendo for the next apple in your series of sisyphean temptations i guess

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oh yeah here's the full for this, rest in pieces vax'ildan

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