IronClark 👻さんのプロフィール画像

IronClark 👻さんのイラストまとめ

A Ghost boy who arts all day! Everyday there is an #Armory - A new weapon! Stay tuned for the Keyblades! Icon by @Msflamos!

フォロー数:1044 フォロワー数:955
# armory

The 802 - Root Bomb! DigiMania continues with the Palmon Line! Featuring a grenade that explodes into a flury of roots and vines!

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The 801 - Gigalegend! Time to start the new year with a Weapon! This time is the Master Sword crafted in the Pokemon Universe! While it may not be as powerful, it can still pack a punch!

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The 800 - Amity! HAPPY NEW YEAR! So for the 800th weapon, my boomerange! Let it come back around for the New Year!

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The 799 - Pyroblade! Pokemon Special continues the Eevee weapons! Time for the Flareon Sword! A cutlass with a burning edge!

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The 798 - Hopesoul! To finish off the Deltarune set, the Raslie scarf!

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The 797 - Isles of Fate! A Keyblade weapon for ! If you follow me for my keyblade art, you should 100% follow her for her amazing art of Kingdom Hearts and more!!!

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The 796 - Protheotre Shield! A shield made to protect a user's heart! Of course it can only be forged for someone with a healed broken heart, but it is 10x times stronger and allows the user to be more careful!

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The 795 - Poktan Shot! Bomb. Hook Shot. Now you can shoot across the skies WITH A MASSIVE EXPLOSION FOLLOWING YOU! Always look cool! Alternatively, you can change the settings to shoot a chain guided explosion, then rush in to deliver a final blow!

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Double 793, 794 - Road Rage and Ailuros Claw! Merry Christmas! Have an early Armory! A gauntlet that lets out fumes of rage and the odd smell of burnt rubber. And a Claw made from the highest of material from the Egyptian gods!

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Late Double 791, 792 - Rudesoul and Evoblade! Sorry for the lateness, been busy with Christmas things! Have the Axe of Susie, empowered by her rude Soul! And the blade for Eevee for the Pokemon Special!

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