LenguasClásicas IEDAさんのプロフィール画像

LenguasClásicas IEDAさんのイラストまとめ

Javier Almodóvar y Meli San Martín, ex profesores de Latín y Griego del desaparecido IEDA (Instituto de Enseñanzas a Distancia de Andalucía)

フォロー数:42563 フォロワー数:40487

The Trojan/Dardanian characters from Homer's Iliad: Hector and Aeneas. (Peter Connolly).

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'AGAMEMNON cried out too, calling men to arms and harnessed up in gleaming bronze himself..But Zeus...down from the vaulting skies released a shower raining blood...' - Homer's Iliad, Book 11 (Victor Ambrus/Robert Fagles) .

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Poseidón, terrible en su ira.

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Frederic , Lord Leighton -- Perseus and Andromeda -- 1891.

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Venus convence a Helena para que escape con Paris (1790), Angelika Kauffmann.
Con tanta mojigatería que rezuma el cuadro, me extraña mucho que la casta Venus haya convencido a la fea Helena de fugarse con el igualmente feo Paris.

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Hera, Athena & Aphrodite ask for THE JUDGEMENT OF PARIS (Alan Lee).

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SIRENS are another temptation for ODYSSEUS, perhaps the most powerful of all, for if he had not been bound to the mast, he would have gone to join the heaps of corpses that surround them.- Bernard Knox, Homer's Odyssey, Book 12 (Victor Ambrus/Robert Fagles/user: Aethon)

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