

‹💫🍃› ‹⚖️🌿› ‹🍁☂️🐶🔍› ‹🏛️🌱› ‹🦋🦁›| gi eu ar60, na ar58; hi3 eu lv88; hsr eu tbl70 | don't repost my art

フォロー数:279 フォロワー数:278

i just know aether would absolutely love venti's wisp form

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what am i gonna do if they ever release a yelan figure like these

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happy pride month to the only couple ever

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abyss mages are just so cute......

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quick heizou drawing cos he's growing on me

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i was drawing a cat and idk what i did but i swear it wasnt meant to be like this😭😭😭

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