

Coder And Art maker. Trying to get better at making art. Slight Lore fanatic with an obsession with robots, Cyborgs, and just generally Sci-Fi.

フォロー数:73 フォロワー数:51

Was bored, So I stared this. made two versions as well, and decided to finish both. design didn't end up exactly as intended, I'm happy with it though! I really like this Arle design.

6 19

Tried out a few things to practice the puyo style some more and help me have to not use references as much. Ended up with this!

3 9

Got this done Today. Another puyo OC, But tried doing an antagonist character. She's Malice, able to Shapeshift herself, And the ability to Create clones of people. She's able to partially Polymorph The clones, changing their appearance and abilities.

1 2

Happy new year! I just finished this before new-years, but decided to post it a bit later. Here's a OC, Who's a engineer cyborg! His name is Ren. Actually wasn't that bad to make, and neither was the finished product, imo.

3 4

Deicded to make more of these robot-ish (Cyber? Mechanized? I guess Robo-Suit works.) Heres Feli and Lemres!

5 15

Was making some practice drawings to practice the puyo artstyle, but it kinda turned into this.
I still like it alot though.

4 8

Haven't posted in awhile. Heres 2 robots based on some of my friends!

1 3

I forgot to post these. huh.

1 4

More messing around with designs

1 3

Been playing some Ceda Cedovic and i couldn't resist

1 8