


| vgen.co/cleru
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personal account: @cleruuuuu

フォロー数:408 フォロワー数:4211


just stop pls

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I *think* I didn't upload this version here so....

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The two faces of a coin

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me realizing I'm running out of gem resources as I progress through story mode

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me seeing that shit 10x dupe draw for the 11th time

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Hello Tri-Ace, we need Bride Lenneth in SOA

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I have to admit this, but I really don't like Bayonetta games.

I've played the first game once and I never touched it again, unlike MGRR and most DMC games (even DMC2) where I mostly repeat the whole campaign in all difficulties possible.

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After seeing how Tri-Ace treated Valkyrie Profile* in the SOA collab, somehow I wasn't surprised her posing was a reference.

*Freya and Azure Lenneth had their respective poses in their original artworks referenced in the model viewer

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