Jewel ✨さんのプロフィール画像

Jewel ✨さんのイラストまとめ

⭐Creator of UV-Tale!(work in progress)
⭐ ENG/español ^_^⭐
owner of @copow_daily w/ anx!
proshitters DNI!…

フォロー数:359 フォロワー数:22108

he is telling him about why donnie started painting eyebrows on his mask

142 982

i am miserable rn i cant stop thinking about the future bois im crying and screaming

1 54

more of the april re-design this time with the re-write of the first like 2 chapters specifically when she gets rescued from the krang.
ah yes, mikey is the one who rescues her while the others search for her dad-

6 73

more of my 2012 april redesign ahh-
in my own version she's a bit older than the turtles(around 17-18 me thinks) and shes really cool and idk i just like drawing her :(( one day I'll tell u more about my 12!tmnt headcanons/au/thingy

24 152

do you guys think he thinks about when he was brainwashed often-

5 75

they deserve to hug.

7 71

Icons I made for me and my friends! decied to post them here as well cause I actually liked them a lot :DD feel free to use them! just credit me if you do

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