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"LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4" has been updated. Added the monster page "Kirru" (43/56, 76%). It is a giant snail that lives in a cave in the mountains of southern Tibet, and it is as sharp as a drill. https://t.co/cipOK7h7Fm
「LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4」 を更新しました。モンスター図鑑「サイクロプス」を追加 (40/56, 71%)。ギリシャ北部の山岳地帯の巨人族で人類の栄える前は地上に住んでいた。集団行動で敵に襲いかかる。走る速さは人の10倍近い。https://t.co/GYupwtVHjC
"LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4" has been updated. Added the monster page "Cyclops" (40/56, 71%). It was a race of giants from the mountains of northern Greece. It runs nearly 10 times faster than a man. https://t.co/GYupwtVHjC
"LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4" has been updated. Added the monster page "Mummy" (39/55, 70%). It is found in the deserts of central Peru. It was originally the mummy of the Inca, but has been revived by magic. https://t.co/ccwQ2K6ueh
「LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4」 を更新しました。モンスター図鑑「スラッグ」を追加 (38/55, 69%)。南太平洋、ガラパゴス諸島の湿潤な沼地に生息する巨大ナメクジ。体からヌルヌルとした粘液を出し、地表をヌメヌメとはいまわる。https://t.co/sCboeNHD31
"LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4" has been updated. Added the monster page "Slug" (38/55, 69%). It is a giant slug that lives in the wet swamps of the Galapagos Islands in the South Pacific. https://t.co/sCboeNHD31
"LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4" has been updated. Added the monster page "Rock Veest" (37/55, 67%). It is from the central desert region of Australia. It has been given a soul in the rocks of Ayers Rock by witchcraft. https://t.co/fBTNjiMeUz
First image: the website I used to work on.
Second image: the website I'm working on now.
Adding English translations is an attempt from a newer website.
"LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4" has been updated. Added the monster page "Crawler" (35/55, 63%). It lives in the highlands of Colombia, South America. It is presumed to be the larvae of primitive insects. https://t.co/74eXISbwip