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Coastlands Schoolさんのイラストまとめ

Coastlands School is a small, rural primary school in the coastal village of St. Ishmaels, Pembrokeshire.

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Art Club will be starting tomorrow (Tues) from 3.30-4.30 for Years 2-4. Letters went out before half term. Places are limited - there are still places available but they are filling up. Diolch.

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Today is Mrs Groves shared the fabulous book, The Day War Came by , illustrated by with Classes 3 & 4 to spark discussion about war & refugees. They then produced some artwork, which we will tweet when completed next week!

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Thank you to those families who have completed and sent their child's travel diary into school. So far there are 11 from Class Three, but we have a class of 30 children. Looking forward to seeing the rest of them so we can use them in numeracy tasks. Diolch.

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Class 3 enjoyed exploring the work of Russian artist Kandinsky, finding different angles, shapes and lines. We then created our own Kandinsky-inspired artwork. Why not pop into Class 3 to see our fabulous display?

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The newest allocations of Active Learn online maths challenges for Class 3 focus on multiplication facts. Need to test everyone's progress on their times tables next week! Diolch.

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Children in Classes 2 & 3 will need their recorders in school on WEDNESDAY of this week. Diolch.

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A reminder for Class 3 pupils who haven't done their book presentations yet: please bring your chosen texts into school tomorrow. Diolch.

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Classes 2 & 3 need their recorders in school tomorrow. Not long now until the Harvest Festival! Diolch.

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Hope Yr 5 are looking forward to their treat for having the highest attendance last wk: hot chocolate with the head! Who will win next week?

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Don't forget Class 2 & 3 pupils start recorder lessons on Friday. Would be great if they could have own recorders. Thanks for your support.

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