Red - haitusさんのプロフィール画像

Red - haitusさんのイラストまとめ

Writer / Artist | YGO, OP, multifandom | i love trafalgar law and every bakura | Eng/中文

フォロー数:87 フォロワー数:488

stealth black is very much My Type I'm sorry sanji pls stand aside

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Jotakak Fantasy AU collab with thanks thanks!
I did the sketch and lined the face and hands and the rest of the lines and colours by Roy. She made such pretty colours omg
Lol every now and then Roy outs me as jojo trash but it's fun

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Rough test for a feel for angel zoro but ehhh not quite there

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just promised to cosplay WCI with me all y'all bear witness no escape

Also hilarious bc of our personalities. y'all are gonna get a lot of stupid doodle comics on this I'm so excited.

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So zoro is a night owl and i hc that law barely sleeps. It'd be so cute if Zoro was curious about kikoku but was being polite then Law took it out to tell it to shut up and zoro went !oHO the time is Now and law be like nnnnO deNIED

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Hi I'm a writer/artist (mostly digital and some traditional rn). Currently really into one piece, especially an angel/demon au and a competitive ballroom au. Thanks for making this post!

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One piece competitive ballroom dance AU - someone on tumblr said luffy probably has fun dancing the lindy hop and I wanted to sketch it but i got invested and I'm gonna be so sleep deprived tmr hahahaha

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One piece competitive ballroom au where sanji quit dancing years ago but law drags him to a competition to help out where he sees zoro and nami and (1) likes what he sees (2) is confused (3) starts dancing again out of spite bc zoro was entirely too smug and does not deserve nami

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Young trafalgar law and corazón doodle and WIP
I headcanon that smol law was super salty about how tall/leggy/ridiculously large Cora-san was bc the boat they had was kinda small. And of course karma came for my boi by making him 191cm and 90% leg when he grew up

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