

Queer Illustrator,manga and comic artist. cody_huston333 on Insta

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WINNER WINNER LOBSTER DINNER!!! 🦞🦞🦞 I’m so happy snatched the crown! When she said this look was inspired by kill la kill and demon slayer, that was it for me. 2 of my favessss 😍 (her Demon Sayer eye’s say victory) Congrats Mommy!!!!

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Y’all didn’t know Jack Frost has a gay brother? His name is Jacob … Jacob Frost. ❄️🎄

Lol I wanted to do Christmas portrait illustration and was inspired by a new turtle neck that I bought. I love how he turned out! 😚❄️

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Bodyodyodyody! I’m obsessed with and the new body song/vid. I recreated this look as an anime character. Also she loves Sasuke so I gave her sharingan eyes 😜

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Fan art of Kid Buu. Drawn in my style. I’ve always loved and wanted to draw him!

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She’s going to eat these flames like she ate the competition.. inspired by I am so give her the crown!

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“Wear a mask. It’s a sign of respect.” Gaga is amazing. Congrats on the vmas!

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Good morning Ms. Goode! I’m obsessed with she’s killing it! I’m having so much fun turning her looks into manga!

check it out on insta: cody_huston333

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