

Galloping Again
🎨 @TheDandyDuke

フォロー数:847 フォロワー数:2782

Love a Chunky Phat Phat thread

4 29

Today we will be Especially large and In Charge~
Because bigger is better yeah?
🎨The Amazing @/DadTigerDad

53 279

Nows your chance, Give the Feline a rub~

2 12

Today's Mood is MOOB 🤎

79 404

Is there a way I can sit down all day without my butt getting sore? Perhaps it's just me getting heavier or something, but these basic wooden/Metal chairs with a paper-thin cushion just are not cutting it for my mighty rump

Chair recommendations helpful!

7 82

Another day, another Delivery driver! Oough~ and we can't forget the great food they bring as well, no? Absolutely Huge Thanks to and those big blue paws of his for stuffing a feline into a nice and Comfortable, Gluttonous Beanbag💙

118 468

Tonight's late-night mood~

13 102

Look at this Fat Lion, Look at all this Unrubbed belly~

70 424

okay.. I have a paw fetish 🤎

30 228