sab 🍛 C0MMS CLOSEDさんのプロフィール画像

sab 🍛 C0MMS CLOSEDさんのイラストまとめ

persona / multifandom artist 🎨 • rt often check media for art • commission info below ⬇️

フォロー数:837 フォロワー数:1836

goodnight I’m literally dyeing my hair purple tomorrow to look like saori hasegawa 👍🏼

164 539

the scariest videogame character ever. the fuuk.

601 1935

this is so funny because I clearly have 2 types and they are polar opposites

0 12

It was Adam who bit the apple of Eden.

91 265

I’m ngl I’m not immune to these designs. They’re very classy, too similar to gather personality though. I think Seiji’s is my favorite but Yuki’s Phantom of the Opera-ness intrigues me.

0 14

Wait redoing mine I remembered how crazy I am about Maruki

0 12

“What happened to her?”
“She tried drawing Yosuke Hanamura.”

60 235