Color Tarot Projectさんのプロフィール画像

Color Tarot Projectさんのイラストまとめ

The official Twitter account of the Color Tarot Project, producing Chromatic Fates and coordinating on #CorruptedTarot.

Avatar: @tawnyfritz
Banner: @AChrisArt…

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🗡️The Five of Swords🗡️

Conflict, tension, ruthlessness and strife. Now is the time to make crucial decisions and decide what really matters to you.

illustrated this STUNNING card for Chromatic Fates!

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Six of Swords, revealed! ⚔️⛵️

Done by the incredible for our Chromatic Fates deck, the Six of Swords is all about journeys, transition, and liminal spaces.

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✨Ace of Cups💫

The potential for boundless emotional fulfillment; a new beginning.

created this beauty for our upcoming Chromatic Fates tarot deck. 😍

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Ten of Swords ⚔️🌱

Coming soon to the Chromatic Fates deck!

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