

my favourite panels from various comics!

フォロー数:6 フォロワー数:57

daredevil (2011)

16 38

edge of venomverse
gwen's crush on matt puts his identity at risk, (1/3)

2 16

uncanny x-men (2016)
young bobby drake reveals to his older self that he's gay

12 44

Daredevil (1998)
spiderman, iron fist & luke cage join matt to take down the yakuzas

20 56

daredevil (1998)
Artwork of the issue done by David Mack

23 107

erik doesn't know who daredevil is

6 20

The amazing spider-man (1963)
peter is separated from the symbiote suit and so is left without clothes, johnny storm comes up with a solution to his situation,

9 13

Superior Iron Man
tony enabled matt to temporarily have his sight back and the first person matt went to see was foggy

26 73

Venom (2018) &
eddie's emotional struggle when he finds out he can't feel & hear venom anymore

1 10