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Birds of Prey, Issue 1

One is wanted for a murder she didn't commit. The other is on the run because she knows too much. They are taking down villains other heroes can't touch. But now they've attracted the attention of a grizzled reporter who wants to expose them.

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Inhuman, Issue 10

AXIS TIE-INS! Medusa's inversion in AXIS makes her a very different ruler of Attilan! What is the Ennilux Corporation?

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Soulfire: Shadow Magic (Michael Turner’s...), Issue 1/B

Discover the early years of Soulfire's heroine Grace in this all-new mini-series!

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Birds of Prey, Issue 107

A final confrontation pits Spy Smasher's Birds of Prey against Catman's Secret Six in Russia for the soul of one of DC's most beloved heroines! Oh, and Oracle hasn't given up on getting her team back either!

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Batgirl, Issue 6

During the day, Barbara Gordon has to deal with the the return of a key figure from her past, while at night Batgirl and Batman face Gretel, a damaged woman with the ability to control men's minds!

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Avenging Spider-Man, Issue 16

The all new Superior Spider-Man teams with Wolverine and the X-Men! Christopher Yost and Paco Medina begin a new SUPERIOR era of Avenging Spider-Man!

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FF, Issue 19

The kids take their second Field Trip -- To Africa! Meet the Science Club of Wakanda. The Future Foundation gets a brand new member.

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Birds of Prey, Issue 100

It's time to bring in new blood! Who will be asked to join Oracle in her all-new Birds of Prey? Who will refuse, and who will fly the coop for good? Plus, a backup story following Black Canary and her new role in the DCU!

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Fantastic Four, Issue 27

Victor Von Doom and Susan Storm Richards are getting married but how do the remaining members of the Fantastic Four feel about this?! Obviously, something is wrong here and must not be allowed to happen...

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Tomb Raider: The Series, Issue 31

In the jungles of war-scarred Guatemala, Lara uncovers an ancient Mayan treasure-and an ancient people caught in a crossfire between the overlords of the land's bloodstained past and her war-scarred present.

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