

Independent comicbook writer |
Casual comic reader |
Check out the wonderful artist behind my project: twitter.com/Motta

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Another post by me while is hard at work on the next comic page. I was in a very Zelda mood after the announcement recently l.

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thought I'd just post another of my quick drawings while works on our projects.
Had one goal one morning while doodling: To make the most impractical pair of sunglasses.
I think I accomplished it 🤣.

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Things have been progressing pretty well with our sequel comic to fully Kickstarter comic Happy Pines. I just love these expressions draws!

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My artist partner has been quite busy so I haven't had much new content to post relating to our indie comics. I'm by no means a good artist but I thought I'd fill in some of the gap with some doodles I made of Meowster chief and Pikachu 😂😅!

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I know and I have been quiet lately with our posts but things have been busy behind the scenes getting everything ready for our Kickstarter rewards and working on new projects. I can't for a great new year but for now here's one of my favourite panels of our comic

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I know I shared this before but never hurts to listen to Ash from our indie comic Happy Pines when out and about 😉.

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An oldie but a goldie by ! I think of all the cross overs we did this one with Ash from our indie comic Happy Pines as Jill Valentine captures the vibes of Happy Pines so well! Check us out on Kickstarter!

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What exactly is Artie up to at the campsite and what is it that ash found out? You can find out by checking us out in my bio and you get get our indie comic Happy Pines through Kickstarter where we're fully funded! https://t.co/Sm8eUgJSXK

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There is still time to support Happy Pines the indie comic by and me to get some amazing goodies such as a physical copy of the comic and some stickers! Check us out we're fully funded!

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Stickers! These are the three stickers by we'll be giving as a part of our rewards on the Happy Pines Kickstarter which is over 110% funded check us out here:

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