

Manga/Anime Enthusiast • Reader • Hobbyist • Collector (most of my personal posts are in my media tab • ig: kookiekoffee)

フォロー数:720 フォロワー数:187

And Yiyi's grandpa asked the big question. Haha. Why Yiyi had to raise the child. Feng's grandpa need to reflect on how he raised his family and children so bad they are trying to kill each other and even tried to kill him before. I mean really.. his family is hell.

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I'm trying to be understanding of this grandpa. But he is really irritating me. Guess what grandpa.. you should ask yourself that why FengFeng needed to hide his child from your family. And Rourou will not be that lively, kind and adorable kid if he grew up in your family.

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Whose Baby Is It made me cry. 😭 you dont need to be blood related to be family. Yiyi is the best Dad to Rourou and for sure Rourou knows that and felt that love. The very reason why Rourou is that kind, adorable and lovable is bc of how he grew up in a home with so much love.

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Poor Wowo. The baby was left behind. Papa and Cheng Cheng had daddies-only time.

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When I saw this cover.. something dirty came to my mind. I even made sure this is the true canon story cover and it's not a doujin. 😅 I'm sorry my mind is dirty. But what is that fluid something on his face that he is licking while in that pose?

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I think my imagination needs to work on the juicy details again..

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Oh nooo. Is this Yi Yun's biological baby? Because his preserved embryo was stolen.. so it became a baby now? This should be Rourou's baby bro?

*Whose Baby Is it?*

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These two are so cute.
They be scheming together and then flirting together.

*counterattack through pregnancy*

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Die already demon!! He is still alive despite the many blood spitting and like many mini heart attacks. 😡

*counterattack through pregnancy* ch105

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And that loving gaze... aahhhh Lanzhan!!!

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