

Manga/Anime Enthusiast • Reader • Hobbyist • Collector (most of my personal posts are in my media tab • ig: kookiekoffee)

フォロー数:720 フォロワー数:187

Rourou's happy family. His two daddies Fengfeng and Yiyi. And then the baby of everybody - Rourou.

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Yaaay you are now joining in the Rourou cuteness abyss. Thank you too!!

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Daddies are lovey dovey while baby Rourou sleeps. 🥰

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Which phone line should I subscribe to so I can get a Rourou as a gift? I'm also good in collecting points, tell me which store will give me a Rourou using accumulated points?? I want a Rourou!! 🤣

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Yes he is! I love this so much!!! Gyaaaaaah...!!!! 😍🥰😘

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Rourou's two daddies are also cute. This story is attacking me with so much cuteness.

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I don't dare look if Whose Baby Is It has physical books or illustration books or whatever merch right now because I might buy them immediately. This is me right now 👇

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I'm reading this for Rourou!!!. I'll tweet many Rourou.. fluffy fluffy.

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I'm reading a new story in wecomics. Title is "Whose Baby Is It?". Father-Son Duo of Yiyi and Rourou is super cuuuuute. 🥰

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Kyaaaaaaaah. 🥰😍🥰😍

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