

Gaming Youtuber, Husband & Father.Currently setting Goals and raising Standards. My Opinions are my own. Check out the Discord & Youtube channel out Whoop Whoop

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0 35

Ends on Monday 7th Nov

Giving away 4 of my CC Skin Yagoats

Simply Retweet and Follow me

122 73

Real Pokemon Fans know there is one of these Water Starters who is supreme compared to the others

Who do you believe it be?

1 98

You get to viridian, you hit the side grass

Who is the better to carry you all the way!?

0 24

There is only one right answer

Whos the best Gen 1 starter?

3 123

Got great feed back about my latest thumbnail, who knew all sedimars needed for a redesign was some eyebrows

0 19

I really enjoyed the Sweet Retreat

Then again, all of these are my OT and were done in no time

0 44