

Cooking Mama's official English twitter with tweets from Mama of the App and the video game Cooking Mama. Everyday chit-chat and latest info on the App.

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If you go shopping when you're hungry you tend to buy more food than you need!

6 26

I'm going make the house look spic and span this weekend! Tomorrow I'm going to make some sweets with Ichigo!

10 35

The weather can't make its mind up recently. Should I risk putting the washing outside or inside?

7 30

Water in a bucket in the garden had frozen and when I was going to show it to the kids Max jumped in and smashed it! Oh dear!

3 24

Woke up at 5 am so took Max for a walk. It was so cold you could see your breath. I trod on frost columns and ruined my shoes!

3 22

Ichigo made some cupcakes at the weekend. So beautifully made and cute!

4 35

I found a cooking book on Ichigo's desk this morning. I'm happy that she likes cooking too!

2 39

If you lack vitamin C your immune system is weakened and it's easier to catch a cold. Tangerines have lots of vitamin C and A that also strengthen your defenses! 🍊🍊

12 43

Today was kitchen cleaning day. I cleaned the stove, frying pan, saucepans etc, making them all shine!✨

4 27

This morning there was panic as Ringo suddenly remembered his homework. While I helped him finish it in time Ichigo made breakfast.

2 22