

Cooking Mama's official English twitter with tweets from Mama of the App and the video game Cooking Mama. Everyday chit-chat and latest info on the App.

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Kid's summer vacation is over so Papa has to take over walking Max again. I guess the walks aren't as long now!

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I had to run after Ichigo after he forgot something for school. I just made it, but it left me sweating!

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Ichigo and Ringo met their friends at school again. They couldn't stop talking about them over dinner!

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Kid’s summer vacation is almost over. Mama remembers feeling sad, but looking forward to seeing school friends again!

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The stars look pretty this evening! Ah, a shooting star! Maybe it's my lucky day!

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Mama has grown bitter gourd in her garden. Ichigo won't eat any since he doesn't like the bitter taste.

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Mama loves ice cream! What's your favorite flavor? Mama likes chocolate, vanilla, caramel... too many!

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What shall I cook for dinner? It's difficult to think of what to make every night! I know, I'll do fish!

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We've made a camp near a fishing spot on the river. Tonight we're going to cook the fish we catch!

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We're all off to Papa's home town for a summer holiday of lots of outdoor fun. The kids can't wait!

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