

成人済(25↑); 同負拒否 - FUB free. ☕ PM/misc at @mozeiik; please refer to mozeiikstudio (at) gmail for work inquiries.

フォロー数:214 フォロワー数:151

trung thu qua hơn tuần mới vẽ xong 🤧

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it’s funny - what separates men from beasts
turns a man into beast

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almost one month ago but 😪

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could've given this a fancy prose but I just wanted to draw klein kissing alista's wrist

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🛹 tự giác censor

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will try to content myself with this fix

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dắt nhao đi chơi
đi bù trăng mật

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>let's write dialogues so I don't have to think what to write for caption
>wrings brain matter for dialogues and dies anyway

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brain empty I just want to go apeshit with khắc huyết

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