


the most normal person you will ever meet (guaranteed)

フォロー数:373 フォロワー数:5528

Perse back when she was still a good little Catholic girl -- grade 6...she's totally not being passive aggressive here at all

1 61

I'm super excited for you to make friends with everyone and help the Literature Club become a more intimate place for all my members. But I can tell already that you're a sweetheart—will you promise to spend the most time with me? ♥

2 35

(evil) dinner party 👀

23 126

behold: perse's evolution into a circle

4 70

🅱️ig 🅱️itties 🅱️ittle 🅱️itties

2 44

hi i have been NEGLECTING THIS APP

1 26

new shoe goofin

8 120