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Well, what started as a study of @justanactor's face and some digital color practice somehow turned into @prodigalsonfox's Malcolm Bright. Go figure. 😎👉🏻👉🏻 Hope you enjoy, fellow #Prodigies!
@Discombobul8te7 You did your best, Disco! You'll get it working another day!
Um, can I just say that I love @Xelaire? Is there anything more beautiful than someone making you into a majestic, space MUSHICORN?! #ConnorArmy #Fanart #LiterallyAlmostCried
@BryanDechart @AmeliaRBlaire @insomniacgames @Twitch @PlayStationEU @PlayStationAsia I'm going to be absolutely dead. But you better believe I'm not missing Spidey!!
@darkenednights @BryanDechart @AmeliaRBlaire I'm so happy for you that you got that chance!! Absolutely amazing. And it's okay to be nervous, Britt! I didn't gear it, but I bet you were just fine!