

26 | He/Him | Transmasc just trying to survive h: @yasei_no_master i: @spiritsonic Vgen: vgen.co/cosmicguts

フォロー数:781 フォロワー数:22275

Lv 1 -> Lv 2 -> Lv 3

Everybody know's sHIT'S FUCKED---

12 46

I coloured the headshot cause im a sucker for this boy

0 7

Voji, a trans lady knight who made a deal with a witch to become what she deserves to be. Seems cold but is very chivalrous, kind and thoughtful. A true night, very gentle and has grown to be very fond of her witch Maria.

0 8

Cameron, an angel who lives in the city undercover. Can resize his wings and get rid of his halo. He's just a tired guy who just wants to play video games honestly. Pretty stoic faced and quiet but loves to jump off high buildings and fly.

0 7

Boe Tyler, an immortal being with anatomical liberation abilities. Refined, quiet and collected. Actually just wants to live a normal life and has a skin picking problem.

Loves to read and write- is a huge fan of the theatre. In DAMMED he ownes a small indie publishing company.

1 7

Rhys, a pizza delivery boy in some universes but over all a pizzaiolo. In DND they're a changeling who's a charismatic casanova and well known thief from the place they're from. They're class is the card master so they just throw a bunch of cards and shit happens, a wild ride.

0 9

Alphonse/Hanna Kaiser, is genderfluid and just switches it around day by day. Real smart and is the engineer to Funkie's tech but would honestly rather just play ball which drives Funkie crazy.

Down to earth and skeptical if not a bit a awkward. They get flustered pretty easily.

1 8

Lets start with someone you already know, Florence Nicolas- he's a musician but also the leader of the Purple Mist. Loves smokes and knives, has a bunch of tattoos and has a degree in homewrecking, he also owns a cru called the object cru who kick alien's ass.

3 14

Summer Night's Magic

3 18