//=time() ?>
54: ScoutTheCambion on AF
55: @voidoflogic
56: @mercyshere
57: @/riawatermelon on tumblr
46: ScoutTheCambion on AF
47: @/peach-pit-witch on tumblr
48: @Iawevadingrock
49: @bunnykizzez
41: @crowinite
42: @sunshinecharms_
43: SailorBeeZ on AF
44: @meloeweofficial
funfact! with this bunch i reached 100 attacks total!
37: @/sir-incorrect on tumblr
38: @/rightdownloserlane on ig
39: @K1ND41CH1
40: @hauntingmothtv
33: @Kiparadox (and me again bc shion and ohta are mine)
34: @/r0yalStar on tumblr
35: @MedicineKusuri
36: SharkyBeer420 on AF