

I make art, sometimes I make true art, and sometimes it fills the empty places in my life.

Created by @divvynshu

フォロー数:134 フォロワー数:3537

Making art on is kinda fun.

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I've been religiously keeping my workspace and bedroom clutter free, my head feels so much lighter.

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Coding teachers on youtube:

Now in this javascript lesson we will use a function, I will cover what are functions later in the lesson so don't worry about it now.

Me : Worries the entire time.

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. your video quality is garbage, what am I exactly paying for?

So much artefacting and banding.

0 2

A year ago, I never thought it would be possible for me to even read 10 books in a year, forget 100.

Today, I'm reading the 100th book of 2019. Everything looks impossible till you start.

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Are the shape of the stars in the graphic intentional? :D

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I use a wacom for a reason.

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