

south park fan by accident, cartman yumejo also by accident ⁞ art account → @daihaiba

フォロー数:258 フォロワー数:466

i really do feel that way, well if i love you then it’s okay!

41 141

wait check this out. 2 and a half year difference bay bay hghjgjfjnf

37 175

愛言葉 ; love words

269 673

i’m gonna hate myself tmrw morning .. lines are done HHHGHH i’m sleep

59 324

dance with me, baby!! 💘

181 509

this is the most self indulgent thing i’ve drawn in a long time

160 529

mina said 💖💘💓

39 113

where are you going? step by step i follow you, without a word you lead me

133 401

i went lookin for trouble, found nothin i didn’t like

96 232