

Sona is me irl
Amanacer - California Valley Coyote
I'm a coyote who enjoys history, toons, drawing, desert vibes and the lil things in life
27 | 🇺🇸🇲🇽🇮🇹

フォロー数:949 フォロワー数:401



For ! Since her birthday was drawing near

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Not my screenshots, but I got the flying Dreadnaught glitch so many times lmao

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Doodled this since I rewatched The Godfather Part 2 recently; the immediate moment after a young Vito Corleone finished off Don Fanucci and was on the run through the rooftops
Tried some different shading work, I like how it turned out 👍

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His face when he got snarked by a snooty British officer and it's fucking 107 F/41 C today

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Doodled this for fun, just an elderly Mexican burro returning from the marketplace with his nieto pequeño burrito grandson
Circa 1870's

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Doodled this for a Discord friend! Who wanted me to help design their future soldier wolf OC outside of their armor

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Drew a Lackadaisy styled OC! Hoping to take a queue from their tutorials
I think it turned out okay enough
This boy's name is Giuseppe Marcello, came to America from Italy after the First World War
There is a distinct lack of torties in the comic so thought I'd make him into one

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