

Coyote | Cat | Chocobo - An artist bouncing between Baltimore and Pittsburgh. 🌿

フォロー数:717 フォロワー数:830

The spooky stream continues with Chooch! He won the second sketch and joins the spook party as a vampire kitty! Want a chance at a halloween sketch? The next drawing is in 5 minutes.

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Oh hey, here are some of the badges I made at ANE!

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I'm officially open for ANE badge preorders!
These badges are pick up at con only. Fill out the following form if you'd like one:

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EEEE, I can't wait to catch that magikarp!

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My Clash of Clans group either forgets I'm a girl, or they don't care. Either way, I have fun with it. ;)

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Here's my fluffy little man, Tiki! He is a snugglemuffin who loves to lay wherever I am.

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