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フォロー数:1513 フォロワー数:13376

Don't forget that you are also a 1 of 1

2 29

gm, reminder that Cozy Penguins won't charge adoption fees (outside of gas). Pudgy holders will be invited first!

1 24

Gm, how does the community feel about wrapped penguins?

3 19

Need more sleep or doctor pengu may have to visit. Gn!

3 16

We're bringing a diverse cast of Penguins to the Cozy-verse. Adopt your free Cozy Penguin - coming soon! More alfalfa inbound

2 14

Gm, show us your Pudgy jpegs and tag your Pudgy friends so we can slide into their follows! Following anyone with a PP pfp we see but we need help finding the lurkers :). More details on our free mint Cozy Penguin project soon. Pudgy holders get priority access

1 11

Gn. Big week next week

2 15

Rare or not, every Cozy Penguin is special and will love you. Adopt yours soon

4 18

So far we've only found a handful of our Pudgy Penguin friends. Help us find the the rest so we can spread the good word on Cozy Penguins! Free mint penguin project, PP owners get first offers on the WL. Details soon

3 17