

professional art donut/monster prom alumni/bear promoter/miku shrimp
work mail: [email protected]

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Ah crap, I forgot to draw something for Valentine’s Day. Uh. Here, have this Jill Sandwich Valentine that is definitely not from 2016 don’t be dumb 💝

47 375

Oh here’s the last of the three sisters. Gonna name her Delilah. Delilah is a good name.

57 521

Here’s one of the sisters I mentioned previously. I don’t have any lore for them or anything so let’s just make it up now. I’d imagine her to be the oldest of the 3. Probably also the shortest. Man I gotta come up with names too, huh. I’ll get back to you on that 🤔

26 316

I OC’d this character along with her two sisters (I guess..?) a while back not really digging them, but instead of never drawing them again I’m gonna try the opposite and see if I can eventually learn to love them. Like some kind of self-inflicted Stockholm syndrome 🤙

49 455

I can’t believe I’m at 5000 followers. I was only ~200 a year ago. I guess now I should aim for verification, right? I have no idea what that means, but I should totes want it, yeah? Definitely. TY to all u crazy ppl following my ass. I’ll do my best to maintain ur interest 💛

37 476

As well as everyone’s favorite fire lizard 🔥🦎

41 357

Might as well have the rest of the poke children. Like flower frog 🌹🐸

56 453

My friend and I were talkin bout squirtle and I had only then realized squirtle is a squirrel turtle 🐿🐢

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