crazy ass moments in vocaloid historyさんのプロフィール画像

crazy ass moments in vocaloid historyさんのイラストまとめ

DM submissions closed. originally created by auroppaborealis. Header by daijoubanai.

フォロー数:7 フォロワー数:35401



As an additional fact, Nayu Kuruhoshi is based on Nayutalien's mascot character Andromedako

Thank you for the submission!!

14 76

Gacha game Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Re LIVE has a limited gacha banner Hatsune Miku event, Hatsune Miku Collab Performance Pygmalion's Friend (2020)

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VOCALOID Lily and Nekomura Iroha collaboration as Hello Kitty to Issho! figurines by FuRyu (2013)

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After 4 years of radio silence from Yamaha, the VOCALOID6 Editor drops out of nowhere with 4 new AI Voicebanks and a Gumi update (2022)

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Kei releases manga Hatsune Miku: Unofficial Hatsune Mix, set in CFM's base town Sapporo, with the Cryptons, fanloids and Kasane Teto depicted with their commonly headcanon personalities (2008)

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Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei crossover Tokyo Mirage Sessions features Tiki as the in-universe VOCALOID, being known as uta-loid with a side quest referencing, "I'll Miku-Miku You (For Reals)" by ika as its name (2015)

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Marasy writes a manga based on his own song Future Delivery (2013)

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Marry no Kakuu Sekai by Jin, as performed by Lia and her daughter Maya (2015)

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