

Marble art (sometimes) 📸

フォロー数:124 フォロワー数:158

Man I miss marbula 1,,,

3 27

You guys are water experts?????

1 10

Idk anything about sand marble rally but as soon as I read that el Capitan was from Excelona my brain started generating so much lore that I need to draw,,,

2 14

Mandarin and the family baby Orangin <3

2 26

Marble sports really is wild cause you have like highschool students competing against people who have a PhD in astronomy. Anyways Top gun pilot Starry <3

5 30

Since I redid Speedys portrait might as well update Rapidlys ^_^ actually the first ever marble person I drew (Although they looked quite diffrent back then!)

1 18

ah thanks! I haven't fully fleshed them out yet but I do have a general idea of what I want them to look like

1 1

The annual potluck! Can't believe I've never drawn my prim or mary designs considering the fact that I use them as DND characters

1 4

"We built that?"
"Why are you so surprised!? Of course, we did!"

5 28