

Professional piece of shit.
OG mod at…

フォロー数:229 フォロワー数:540

Because I like being sad my lock screen is from the story of Orpheus.

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album Mr. Wonderful has been on constant rotation since 2015. Damn near perfect. If I had a playlist to my life. This whole album is on it.

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Sam Elliott for Revolver Ocelot hit him up haha

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Phil LaMarr For Decoy Octopus/ DARPA Chief Donald Anderson
hit up please and thank you.

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My brother just updated the order so I can pick it up thanks boys

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Yo guys, I got a friend who’s an amazing artist. He does commission work and could use some gigs. If you need anything for a project hit him up! He does great stuff and is super easy to work with. Retweet and share with anyone who might need something. Thanks!

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