

multifandom (more piggy) artist//
dumb stuff enjoyer//
follow me on Instagram and telegram 😈🫶

フォロー数:180 フォロワー数:712


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It's a pity that I draw her so rarely. (The second picture is her reference, which I drew in the fifth grade of school) But she's still one of my favorite characters

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kona lore in my au part one😱😱❗❗
(this is a joke version, don't take it seriously, and the dude from the mall doesn't have a design at all, but I think it's a bear, so imagine it as you want)

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I was too lazy to draw a normal design, but
he is so dummy

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А как уберечь культ от ребенка?
(А вообще я уже села за новую полноценку, увы пока что опять по манделле, так что по пигги только мелкие скетчи, или что то старое)

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