🍉🛸👽 papermelon! is making stuck! | entre!🥹🦉🌌さんのプロフィール画像

🍉🛸👽 papermelon! is making stuck! | entre!🥹🦉🌌さんのイラストまとめ

hi! 🌟 comics | storytelling | he/she/they ✨ 95 @mei_lon_melon 💻 @storiefarmer 🌟 autistic pt/en ✨ insta: @cris_tea_n | [email protected]

フォロー数:2355 フォロワー数:889

[arte digital / banda cnema fanart] oiee lembram quando eu tava fazendo desenhos e personagens para bandas que eu gosto? Cá está o cnema, com a música mob dick!!! hehehe

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[arte digital / merch] oie!! Cá estão mais do merch que fiz pras lojas on demand!! Ah, dê uma olhada no meu apoia-se, para merchs digitais, coisas grátis e posts de blog se você quiser! obg^^

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[digital art / merch] heyo!!! Here it is more of the merch I made for some of my on demand stores!!! Take a look if you want! also hehe take a look if you want on my digital merch store, itchio! ty~~~

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[digital art / zine!] HELLO! aa im so happy to finally post not only my comic but also my postcard from beloved !!! Thank you so much!!! 1/2

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[arte mixmedia / ] oie eu fiz esse bb pra minha foto de artista do zine da mxtx hehehe cá ele está^^

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[mixmedia art / ] heyo i did this baby for my artist pic in the mxtx zine so hehehe here he isssss

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[arte mixmedia / teepublic / merch] oie! Hoje cá estou com mais dos meus merchs paper heheheh, obrigada! ^^

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[mixmedia art / teepublic / merch] hello! Today here I am with more of my paper merch hehhehe, take a look at my teepublic page if you want,ty^^

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