

めみょうからす(Memyou karasu) 猫、鴉、蛇と暮す人外描き。ゲームや書籍を中心に人外メインに描いているキャラデザイナー兼イラストレーター。お仕事のご相談は連絡先メールアドレスまで。 icon @sampo321 ★Joint creation #Zimniy_shram English/한국어/中文OK‼︎

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# trpg

コロナ禍によってモンスターデザインとして参加していたゲーム開発が中断され、9月〜12月のスケジュールに完全な空白が出来てしまいました… ので、ゲームや書籍、その他媒体によるキャラクターデザインやイラストの仕事を探しています。DMやメールにてお気軽にご相談下さい‼︎ https://t.co/icM6IPb5pE

269 325

A monster woman who looks a little like a bear or a cat. Wear beautiful colored clothes and make a crown of bright flowers. Beautiful and happy art.
・Art by / Thank you!

30 113

My Avatar or OC Yo-Kai.
A spider and a bird Yo-Kai(specter).
Cursed, with horns of trees.
He is small in appearance, but quite old.
Pretty and austere art.
・Art by / Thank you!

5 17

The Mysterious Traveler.
He has a mask-like face, bright body hair and wings, and human-like hands. Cool art with a smile.
・Art by Margoartdes / Thank you!

6 12

The beautiful purple and the two with wings.
We each live in a different world, but I'm sure we will get along well. Gentle and beautiful art.
・Art by Coalui / Thank you!

5 26

Formerly a fertility goddess.
He was cursed and changed into a strange form.
I can't die, sleep, cry, or talk.
Dark and wonderful art.
・Art by / Thank you!

5 16

grave keeper's crow.
He (no gender) was tormented by loneliness and persecution. Protecting the grave is his stronghold.
Dark and cool art.
・Art by / Thank you!

2 12

A beautiful pseudo-dragon diva emerges from an incubation tank. That leg has yet to be severed.
Beautiful art like stained glass.
・Art by Corvus / Thank you!

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