

Self taught artist and art hobbyist, 22, PNW. Thanks for checking out my page

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The bros but it’s animal crossing. I drew Klaus and Werner as Pudelpointers. I also made myself a little logo for my art stuff. Hope you all are having a good day

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Thinking of giving Klaus a brother

Werner got out of the unstable household they grew up in, but in doing so he left Klaus behind. He deeply regrets leaving Klaus alone. Over the years he has been searching for Klaus during his travels. He’s a positive role model

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Dennis redesign! I like how he came out. Too bad he is still an ass though

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Part 2 of MerKlaus. I’m having so much fun with this concept

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More art from my sketchbook. The one to the left is older but I’m still proud of it. We have Charley on the left and Klaus on the right.

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