

Animator Illustrator Cartoonist etc. Politics, Animation, Rakugo, and Les Mis (Especially Javert) アニメーターです 『雨の日は、何色?』/みんなのうた『しあわせだいふく』/『四十九日のレシピ』イラスト/きじむなぁCM

フォロー数:377 フォロワー数:378

<LesMisPic>:Javert in Despair: (Philip Quast as Javert)

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<LesMisPic>:Javert in Disguise: The costume is based on the movie "Les Miserables" in 1978.

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<LesMisPic>:Javert's Birthday:"This is the first time they celebrate my birthday!"

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  To all Javert fans...No offence! (title: "We Love You, Javert!")

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<LesMisPic>:Javert et Gavroche02: Javert is teaching Gavroche how to read and write.

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<LesMisPic>:Javert et Gavroche01

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Les Mis Pic: Phillip Quast as Javert

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As a fan of Javert, I would like to fly over to NY and watch the new production! Will give this to U!

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animation HDってアプリで描いてみたラクガキ。

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