

Everyday nerdy girl that loves to cook, be bad at the ocarina, make typos, enjoy cute things and watch people play video games.
[email protected]

フォロー数:93 フォロワー数:1661

It was one year ago today that Brent started working full time at home and we both had to become house hermits. And this is pretty much my feelings on the matter.

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It's really fucking cold.

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This how I see these kinds of people.

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Happy birthday !!!!!!!
Hope it's a chill and cozy day.

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I made 66 cookies, formed a sourdough loaf and baked a sourdough loaf today.

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Here's another fanart I did. This time for Sorry it didn't turn out that well, but I'm glad you like it. :)

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Haven't got around to drawing an icon for you so I found this cool image that I think would work great!

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