

🗿Personal musings and project news here.
Creator @The_Demon_Mages, freelancer since 2022🗿

フォロー数:1281 フォロワー数:3374

💀You cannot escape the spell of Deneb!❤️

1 28

From the archives! After the last animation post, I recalled an older Gradius/Macross inspired bit I made with a freeware program.
At last, the evil armada has been destroyed!

3 29

I keep kidding around and doing dumb Photoshops, but after today...
you never know, things could happen. At least as assist trophies. I'm cool with it.

0 7

"Lo, your challenge is well met! Feast your eyes, and stay not your hands -- though impertinence will be met square and without mercy!" -Tess

0 9

Blast off and strike the Bydo Empire!

20 62

It's still technically Maid Day somwhere in the world, isn't it?!

33 260 -- Omnibus stream night for me -- work, alongside and friends! Come watch!

5 42

Sleepless Night WIP

2 29