

Mell00ws are built with a lot of caring. With lots
of light and just the appropriate bits of darkness to
to keep your mellowness bright in this hard-candy world

フォロー数:204 フォロワー数:47

I´d love tell the : Go on and fuck yourself!

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Big deal you condescending prick. You´re just one of thousands. One of 3333 to be more precise. And all of us (alongside with whoever the fuck is reading this shit, if there´s someone reading this shit) has its own “uniqness” and isn´t braggin’ about it. Shut the fuck up!

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Hi My name’s Danny Thomas. AKA Mell00w I exist in the as a I was created with certain traits that make me unique. Not only in the way I look. But also within myself. I have ideas, emotions, hopes, fears and a story to share.

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Mell00w 550

Bold and just damn crazy. This is Cameron Renton.
Cameron likes porn and dislikes other people. Fears surprises and hopes to die without pain.
Cameron is a Bro00ken Mell00w living on the chain 😊

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We pair graphical and literary particularities so these characters are built not only with specific aesthetics but also with a unique story to tell🧬📈

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A musician. This is Jesse García. Jesse likes the ocean roar and dislikes fancy restaurants. Fears fire and hopes to reincarnate as a Mestiz00

Jesse is a Comm00n Mell00w living on the chain 😊

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Adventurous. This is Cameron Lewis. Cameron likes warm towels and dislikes reggaeton. Fears nothing and hopes to never trust again. Cameron is a Mellow Abstracto🎨

Cameron Jackson is now listed on 🐣
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Adventurous and passionate. This is Dakota Allen. Dakota likes cozy houses and dislikes crowds. Fears presidents and hopes to be a Stroke. Dakota is a Mellow Mestiz00🎨

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Loving. This is Cameron Jackson. Cameron likes extra innings and dislikes the modern times. Fears nothing and hopes for redemption. Cameron is a Mell00w Abstract00 🎨

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Shy and silly. This is Alex White. Alex likes warm towels and dislikes pineapple pizza. Fears religious paintings and hopes to be a musician. Alex is a Br00ken Mell00w 🧩

Alex White is now listed on 🐣

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