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@laura_sanko @vechainofficial Welcome to VeFam, Laura!
We’d love to have you join the VeChain NFT community. While the foundation is knocking out SDGs and enterprise adoption we’re having loads of fun with our jpegs.
Plenty of talented artists and builders to support, I’d be happy to help get you started.
@DavidHu82814238 @CryptoJChains @GoatzNFT_ Party chads are a special breed ⛷️
@Y33tDavidson @topshelfcrypto1 @NoNerdsInc @vpunksofficial @ExoWorldsNFT @INKAEmpireNFT @madvapesnft @mikeyleo_00 @VeKingsNFT Hard to beat VeKings with no royalties (higher profit), best staking generation, reduced marketplace fees, and the backing of the highest traded MP on VeChain.
Oh yeah, and we have @lahens_elss on the artwork for the next collection 💅
@wabdoteth Lots of great stuff on VeChain, #1 in my heart is @VeKingsNFT but there’s plenty more to check out.
Here’s some work from our new artist @lahens_elss for the second ‘King collection.
S/O @VVarDogsNFT for the giveaway! I won this @madvapesnft Phoenix with watermelon colorway 🍉 #VeChain
Long overdue but I finally got my first @VenonymousV. This team is present every day, never gave up through a long mint, and continue to prove they’re here for the right reasons. Simply put, they make #VeChain a better place:
If you’re still here buying #VeChain NFTs despite the market dump raise your hand and show me those pick ups.
Tag some cross chain friends and let’s commiserate over jpegs 🫂
My latest buys:
@XrpFury @VeKingsNFT @VVarDogsNFT @psychobeastsnft @VeSeaOfficial LFGOOO 🔥 Some great grabs right there, big congrats on an awesome dog and your first ‘King and Beast!
@_TrueVoodoo @mikeyleo_00 @Bread_VeSea Gotta grab some @VeKingsNFT ⚡️
Gen 1 has some of the best utility on VeChain. Reduced MP fees (hold 5 for zero fees) and #1 staking for $VSEA
Gen 2 currently in dev. with new lead artist @lahens_elss will turn heads no doubt.