

Acc for my doodles/sketches when I remember to post them | svsss | Multishipper | possible 🔞

フォロー数:90 フォロワー数:1402

Day 1 - memory/dream
Sleeping next to shen jiu can be hazardous at times ( ;•́∀•̀) but getting fussed over and only minimally scolded afterwards is worth it ♡

147 599

Oh em gee, moshang!

231 1006

I love tiny cotton ball bingpup, but he definitely be the type of dog that despite growing huge, would still believe himself to be a lapdog and needs to constantly be carried

186 576

Day 1 - fire
Sqq just wanted to make breakfast for his husband (; ̄▽ ̄)

421 1504

Korean moshang designs are the only thing on my mind <3

279 876

Silly moshang forehead kiss, he deserves it!

98 411

Catzun doodle! He is very round <3

58 241

A continuation, jealous Miku!binghe is just so funny to me

72 244

Can’t believe I haven’t drawn a teary binghe yet, shoujo sparkles activate! (ノ-ヮ-)ノ*:・゚✧

234 754