zero ⟡ ☠️ ⟡ COMMS OPENさんのプロフィール画像

zero ⟡ ☠️ ⟡ COMMS OPENさんのイラストまとめ

20, he/him, white • i just draw whatever ┌( ´_ゝ` )┐• pirate enjoyer •

フォロー数:404 フォロワー数:527

there's a shark in the water and a cat in the fields, pa, could you get the gun again?

3 19

i did this in a very simple style bc you literally couldnt pay me to do this in full detail

0 4

duuude your tapetum lucidum is scaring the campers again!!!

11 49

// toh spoilers (?)
can you guess what i started watching

4 62

what am i ingesting for this to happen

0 1

// eye strain, minor blood
artfight attack against :*)

4 8