

Follow the rabbit hole

フォロー数:2591 フォロワー数:2598

Oh damn were pumping glad I swept a bunch yesterday the art is too good to fade. I grabbed some grails for cheap, beam eyes are probably my favorite trait. I also grabbed some apes. .001 is worth the gamble if the art is as good as the pepes then worth

13 36

I’m a sucker for double trippies lol. OOH OOH AHH AHH!

13 42

What have I done lol... All I can say is I love rares lol. Am I crazy? Time will tell but these have a good vibe to them, they were super fast to launch and the art is high quality. I'm here for the ride.

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NFT’s are dead. Its all about digital collectibles now.

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We do a little rare sweeping to celebrate nesting. These heroes tunics were dangerously close to the new birb floor so I had to snatch them for the vault. Love the one with the adorable eyes

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Who just left this 💎🦉 on the floor? 😂 Crazy mfer...

5 24

Decided to swap it up for a bit to keep it fresh. Rocking this grail for a bit.

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